Black No More, a new musical inspired by George S. Schuyler’s Afrofuturist novel set during the Harlem Renaissance, is the story of Max Disher (Brandon Victor Dixon), a young man eager to try the mysterious machine invented by Dr. Junius Crookman (Tariq Trotter) that guarantees to “solve the American race problem” —by turning Black people white. Through a fusion of music and dance, Black No More is one Black man’s journey colliding with truths of race and identity.Featuring a book by Academy Award winner John Ridley (12 Years a Slave), music by Tariq Trotter, Anthony Tidd, James Poyser and Daryl Waters, lyrics by two-time Grammy Award winner Tariq Trotter (Black Thought, The Roots), choreography by two-time Tony Award winner Bill T. Jones (Spring Awakening and Fela!), and direction by The New Group’s founding Artistic Director Scott Elliott.Please be aware: This production includes depictions of violence and racially violent language. This production contains strobe lighting effects and gunshots.